HR at the center of change

Engage workers, simplify communication, manage all data in a single tool

Who is AWMS aimed at?


  • Factory HR

  • Group human resources manager

  • HR industrial operation

  • HR digital transformation & process management

What will you discover

Health and safety in the workplace

AWMS collects and cross-references data relating to production needs, availability of the workforce, contractual constraints and suggests the ideal employee for each work shift, establishing a fair rotation matrix that respects current legislation.


The software also considers legislation and regulations at work as:


  • the company roster rules,
  • the rules of fair treatment
  • employee preferences


With AWMS you can access the most efficient shift configuration, with the certainty that all data relating to contractual constraints have been taken into consideration and there will be no problems related to compliance with labor regulations .

Effectively addressing occupational health and safety positively impacts the whole organisation

How to manage worker absences, ensuring that the needs of the production area are always covered?


< p>With AWMS you always monitor absenteeism levels, organize holidays and leave based clearly on available skills and ensure that production needs are always met.


Through the Azzurra app you can communicate immediately with each operator. Workers can submit requests for vacation or time off. HR receives a notification to accept or reject them. Everything within reach of your smartphone.


Manage shifts in an automated, flexible and efficient way

AWMS allows you to manage staff shifts in an efficient, simple and immediate way.


The software suggests the most suitable shifts, cross-referencing the information with the planning part, based on skills, production needs, limits and compatibility with the workstations.


Through a single interactive dashboard you can view the shifts and the various integrated information, making guided decisions from the data.

All worker data, shared, updated and always accessible

Through AWMS you can access information on workers, collected from the different sections of the software:


  • Digital skill matrix
  • Medical limitations 
  • Green pass and validity
  • Contractual constraints


The platform integrates and cross-references all the data, also allowing you to establish the best configuration of work shifts every day.

Moreover, the data is shared between all company functions in real time, making everyone’s work easier.


Simplify communication and involve workers with Azzurra

Azzurra is the AWMS mobile application, which allows the exchange of communications, surveys and requests bidirectionally between the company, managers and operators.


For factory operators, Azzurra represents a simple, direct and engaging way to communicate with own company.

For HR it is an indispensable tool to listen to the voice of its employees and to put people at the center of the organization, increasing the sense of belonging and overall satisfaction.


Here are some of the functions:


  • Request for leave and holidays
  • Request material
  • Exchange of targeted or massive communications
  • Sending and collecting surveys 
  • Automated management of green passes

Respond to unexpected messages quickly and securely

75% reduction for managing the workforce planning process.

100% reduction in time to update employee skill matrices

90% reduction in time spent managing communications between employees and the company

Gestione Assenze

84% reduction in employee participation time in activities related to continuous improvement and reduction in the rate of absenteeism.

80% reduction in time on low-value activities thanks to a data-driven workforce management approach.

Optimally manage the work shifts of factory personnel, taking all variables into account.

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