Shift Scheduling: How it Works, Strategies and Software

Shift scheduling is a key issue for any company involved in workforce management. Ensuring that staff are assigned efficiently and in compliance with applicable regulations is critical to business success and employee well-being. In this article, we will explore what shift planning is, the benefits it offers, the importance of good planning, the challenges involved, strategies for dealing with them, and software that can help simplify this process.

What is shift planning

Shift planning is the process of assigning work schedules to employees in a way that covers the operational needs of the company. This involves defining the hours, days of work and tasks to be performed for each employee. Effective planning takes into account various factors, including employee availability, business needs, and labor regulations.

The benefits of shift planning

Shift planning offers numerous benefits. Let’s analyze some of them:

Increased productivity

Well-organized scheduling makes the best use of human resources, reducing downtime and increasing overall productivity.

Reduced costs

Efficient shift management can help reduce operating costs, such as by avoiding unnecessary overtime pay.

Improved employee satisfaction

Scheduling that takes into account employees’ preferences and needs can increase employee retention and help make them feel an integral part of the system.

Reduced employee turnover

Better shift planning can help reduce employee turnover, saving time and resources in finding and training new staff. The topic was recently addressed in a Harvard Business Review study showing how costly it is for companies to undervalue low-wage workers.

Why planning work shifts is important

Shift planning is an essential practice that goes far beyond simply assigning schedules to employees. This is why this practice is so important:

Employee satisfaction

Good shift planning takes into account employees’ needs and preferences. When workers feel listened to and can balance work and personal life, their satisfaction increases significantly. A satisfied employee is more likely to be motivated, committed and loyal to the company.

Work-life balance

Well-organized shift scheduling helps avoid overly burdensome work schedules. This is crucial to employees’ well-being, allowing them time for family, hobbies and rest. A healthy work-life balance reduces stress and improves workers’ overall health.

Preventing employee burnout

Burnout is one of the most serious risks employees can face in stressful work environments. Scheduling that distributes workload fairly and allows recovery between shifts is a powerful ally in preventing burnout. An employee who is not exhausted is more productive, more creative, and less prone to absenteeism.

In short, planning shifts wisely has to do not only with human resource management, but is an investment in business effectiveness and employee happiness. With purposeful planning, a company can cultivate a more motivated, healthy, and loyal team, thus contributing to the achievement of its long-term goals.

The challenges of shift planning

Shift planning can prove complex for many organizations due to a number of factors that can make the process difficult and cumbersome.

Here is a detailed examination of the most common challenges:

Varying needs

Staffing needs can vary greatly by industry, season or even time of day.


Labor regulations and union contracts can have a significant impact on shift scheduling. For example, many countries have strict limits on working hours, mandatory rest requirements between shifts, and obligations to grant paid leave. Violating these regulations can result in legal penalties in addition to significant costs.

Employee turnover

In many industries, constant staff turnover can make it difficult to create a stable and efficient schedule. Training new employees and continually adapting to changes can be resource intensive.

Skills and qualifications

Assigning staff with the right skills and qualifications requires careful and detailed planning, as well as an updated skills matrix.

Addressing these challenges requires a combination of strategic planning, flexibility, and the adoption of appropriate tools and resources. Companies can benefit from forecasting needs and, through effective shift planning, can minimize disruption and maximize operational efficiency.

Shift work planning: regulatory references

Shift work scheduling is closely related to labor regulations, particularly with regard to shift work. By definition, shift work involves organizing work in such a way that several workers are successively employed at the same jobs, following a certain rhythm.

To ensure that shift scheduling complies with regulations, it is essential to slavishly follow certain rules:

  • Daily and weekly rest: guidelines established by the National Collective Bargaining Agreements (CCNL) must be followed to ensure employees’ right to adequate rest. This includes the right to daily rest, weekly rest, and breaks between shifts. These rest periods are essential for the well-being of employees and to avoid the risk of fatigue and, consequently, accidents at work.
  • Minimum rest of 11 hours: daily rest should last at least 11 hours to allow the employee to adequately recover from work activities. This rest period is necessary to maintain the health and safety of workers.
  • Pay increment for night workers: in many jurisdictions, night workers are entitled to a pay increment to compensate for the inconvenience of working during night hours. This financial incentive is a way to recognize and compensate for the sacrifice of night workers.
  • Advance notice of shifts: a very welcome practice in shift management is advance notice of shifts. This allows workers to arrange their time and personal commitments appropriately and ensures a good relationship between the company and employees.

Shift planning must be flexible and able to adapt to the specific requirements of local labor legislation. This requires careful and precise management of shifts and work schedules to ensure that all rules are followed, avoiding potential legal sanctions or problems with employees.

Pianificare i turni: alcune strategie

La pianificazione dei turni di lavoro può essere un compito complesso, ma ci sono diverse strategie che le organizzazioni possono adottare per ottimizzare questo processo. Eccone di seguito alcune:

Previsione della domanda

Le organizzazioni devono analizzare dati storici e utilizzare previsioni per identificare i periodi di picco e di bassa attività: questo permette di pianificare i turni in modo da coprire in modo efficiente le esigenze del business, riducendo al minimo il sovraffollamento o la sottoutilizzazione del personale.

Cross training

Il cross training consente di formare i dipendenti a svolgere compiti diversi, rendendoli di conseguenza in grado di coprire più ruoli e responsabilità. Questa flessibilità è preziosa quando si affrontano periodi di picco o quando si verificano assenze impreviste. Il cross training, inoltre, riduce la dipendenza da dipendenti specifici e contribuisce a mantenere la pianificazione dei turni stabile.

Utilizzo della tecnologia

L’uso di software dedicati alla pianificazione dei turni è una delle strategie più potenti per semplificare il processo e migliorare l’efficienza. Questi software consentono di tenere traccia delle disponibilità dei dipendenti, delle competenze e delle preferenze, e possono generare automaticamente programmi di lavoro in base a regole e criteri predefiniti. Questi strumenti possono risparmiare tempo e ridurre al minimo gli errori umani nella pianificazione.

How to schedule work shifts

Work shift planning can be carried out in several ways , including:

Manual paper-based scheduling

This is a traditional and popular method in companies, but it is time-consuming and prone to quite a few errors.

Spreadsheets such as Excel

Spreadsheets can be useful for small organizations, but can become complicated and impractical for more structured companies.

Specific software

There is software dedicated to shift planning that simplifies the process by allowing employees to keep track of their availability, skills and preferences. Among such software, AWMS, in particular, stands out.

AWMS, the shift planning software

To further improve shift planning, more and more companies are adopting workforce management solutions such as AWMS. Below are some of the benefits found by those who have adopted it for enterprise workforce management:

  • Increases job satisfaction: through increased transparency and communication between factory staff and team leaders, AWMS can help reduce absenteeism and turnover. Employees feel more engaged, which leads to greater job satisfaction.
  • Shift management and hourly profiling: AWMS enables efficient management of shift rotations and compliance with contractual and labor-law constraints. This ensures that scheduling is in line with labor regulations and reduces the risk of disputes.
  • Decent work and economic growth: digitizing daily activities saves valuable time and promotes organizational growth. In addition, skills matrix management facilitates polyvalence among employees, allowing them to rotate between different tasks and reducing monotony and alienation at work. This promotes a more equitable and decent work environment.

In summary, adopting a workforce management system such as AWMS can be a significant step in improving personnel management, increasing productivity, and promoting employee well-being. Efficient shift scheduling and human resource management can have a significant impact on the overall success of the organization, while ensuring a more satisfying work environment that respects workers’ rights.

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